Many of us think of pain as being a sensation that happens TO us....
▫️Stub your toe... It HURTS! 💥
▫️Accidentally touch something hot.... It HURTS! 💥
▫️Twist your ankle... It HURTS! 💥
However, modern pain science tells us that pain is an OUTPUT of the body, not an INPUT. Flipping this perspective can totally change your outlook on pain and pain symptoms.

Think of pain as a warning system for your body, sounding the alarm to alert you of damage, or the potential for damage to occur.
Pain acts as a mechanism to stop us from engaging in behaviour that could cause harm or force us to address harm that has already occurred...
▫️Stub your toe..... Stop what you're doing and check for damage 🛑
▫️Accidentally touch something hot... Move quickly before you get burned 🔥
▫️Twist your ankle.... Damage has occurred, seek appropriate treatment/ rest 🦶
Once you understand the warning and protective nature of pain, it can be far easier to begin addressing pain symptoms and recovery.
More info
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This post is for information only and does not constitute medical advice.