"The science of [Pilates] disproves that prevalent and all-too trite saying, "you're only as old as you feel"."
- Joseph Pilates
Pilates is a popular and much-loved form of exercise that seeks to lengthen, strengthen and balance the body - delivering with it a wealth of physical and mental health benefits. It is often referred to as a 'holistic' form of exercise as the body is worked as a whole and Pilates also encourages a mind-body connection through concentration on breathing and precise technique.
One to one Pilates sessions offer the opportunity for a Pilates experience that is tailored to your needs, goals and ability and offers fantastic opportunity to progress and reap the array of rewards that this mode of exercise can offer.
Improved posture
Improved balance
Improved flexibility
Reduced stress levels
Greater joint mobility
Improved joint stability
Flatter stomach
Reduced Low Back Pain

Improved co-ordination
Greater core strength
Reduced risk of injury
Stronger Pelvic Floor
A Brief History of Pilates
Pilates was invented by Joseph Pilates in the early 20th century. After being terribly ill as a child, Joseph began studying Yoga, martial arts, boxing & weightlifting in his determination to reach peak physical condition. Born in Germany, he moved to England in 1912 where he began teaching martial arts/self-defense techniques and during World War I, he worked as a hospital orderly and helped the injured to recover by rigging up hospital beds with springs and straps to offer resistance and improve the muscular strength & endurance of his patients.
In 1926 Joseph emigrated to New York, where he began teaching his techniques to dancers to help relieve them of their dance related injuries. He believed his techniques to be ahead of their time and could see the impact that modern lifestyles, along with poor posture and breathing was having on people's health.
Joseph documented his techniques in his 1945 book Return to Life Through Contrology and believed his method was just the right balance between physical intervention and mental training.
Contrology later became known as Pilates and Joseph's legacy lives on through methods passed down from his apprentices and through his book. The technique has developed over the years in line with modern advances in knowledge and through the different interpretations of the technique that exist all across the world.
Tailored Pilates Session(s)
Pilates sessions tailored to your needs, goals and ability - can be taken in person or online via Zoom
Access to The Posture Practice online workout Portal*
Access online workouts and receive personalised recommendations
(* available with course bookings only and accessible only for the duration of your course)
£40 single session
(1hr Introductory Session)
£180 course
(6x 1hr sessions)